Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The California Experiment - Day 25

I just binged on chocolate chip cookies and carrot cake muffins. and milk.
for dinner I had frozen chicken flautas in a red cream sauce.

I bought an airline ticket to Chicago for Dec. 3oth. I shall be there for New Years festivities. Hopefully not 20 pounds fatter due to my hotel habits.

6 days till my potential move in. That will bring about some excitement. Along with the arrival of my family for Thanksgiving... and our potential french food for thanksgiving experience thanks to dad. yikes.

Im considering becoming one of those thrower-upper people.. but only for those times when I wanna eat a dozen donuts with chocolate milk.. I mean. Think about it. Its really not that bad If its only for recreational purposes. Why deprive myself of the joy of donuts all because Im affraid of clogging my arteries and getting wider around the middle. I guess it might take some getting used to.

So Ive gotta come up with a strategy to make some male friends. with out gayness.

I could go places where dudes hang out... like motorcycle clubs.

mine is thick like a can of pepsi


Blogger M said...

maybe you could switch from donuts to rice cakes and trick yourself into thinking they are tasty. Your foray into binge and purge may lead down a slippery slope, like arby's mix and match, etc.

5:53 PM  
Blogger b said...

was that last sentence meant to be included, or was that some sort of freudian slip?

maybe there`re some eligible dudes at the gym, or out on the links...

1:20 AM  

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