Best friends and Birthday Plans
Had a wonderfully long weekend with my best friend from high school coming to visit me here in LA.
Going out 3 nights in a row is something I can officially is in my past.
Is 27 really that old. I suppose in 9 days it will be.
10 year highschool reunion coming up in May. Are you fucking kidding me?
eh. I guess it happens to everybody.
So Thursday Ben and I go out down here in Hermosa. Along with some chick he used to date in college who has since joined the leagues of wannabe actresses here in Hollywood.
A few bars, more than a few drinks, and I'm serenaded to the sounds copulation on my couch till 4:30 in the morning.
This girl really had some chops. serious chops. Doing it for a living chops.
Who am I to judge?
yea... I'm jealous.
Seriously I haven't had a proper make out session in months.
I blame it on keeping myself busy with all my hobbies. well new hobbies.
women used to be a hobby, but I suppose I may have moved past that stage of life.
Who am I kidding...I've just gotten lazy in my old age.
Friday we had another good friend come up from Huntington beach for a visit to the Hermosa farmer's market and a nice bike ride on the beach. I bought a finger puppet at the farmers market. A sad little fox I name Worried Walter. He becomes my new best friend.
The previously mentioned wild animal also attended and just made me sad. Its hard when someone you care about doesn't feel the same but then expects a friendship to be completely normal.
Ben saw her nipple. serves her right for wearing a low dress on a bike ride.
I'm now jealous of Ben twice in 12 hours.
That night we went out in Santa Monica with one of Ben's friends from Chicago. Good kid.
Serious girlfriend. Nice apartment. Cab ride to the bars. Drinks. Wondering.
Not impressed with the Santa Monica scene. too sterile and generic I think.
and not enough attractive women for me to not talk to.
Saturday morning I get my ass kicked at tennis and the we head to a sweet pool party in Burbank thanks to my good friend Em.
Always a good time, but today even more because of the Washoo's tournament we enter.
basically there's a small box with a coffee can in the middle. you throw washers at it. score points. face-off.
18 teams. we got 5th place! our prize was an amazing bag of coffee which I stored in the front pooch of my swim trunks for the rest of the night.
We headed to Hollywood that night to go out with our friend Olsen from highschool.
4 bars. saw some extremely attractive hollywood whores, a couple D-list celebs, and got free cigarettes from Camel reps while listening to the Piano man.
mmm Turkish Gold, so smooth.
My clothes smelled of smoke for the first time since college.
Sunday we faked surfing in Huntington beach with a friend of Ben's who lives in Hermosa.
He offered to get me in to the Playboy mansion halloween party.... for a cool $1000.
are you serious? for one night? just to not talk to extremely attractive playboy whores?
i mean we all love women in body paint but I think i'll take my $1000 and buy a new lens and a tripod or something.
speaking of which. I bought my new camera! a Canon 7D. I'm still working on it. need the new lens as I only have a 50mm prime.
so far it takes good photos. and I'm much more impressive when pretending to be a photographer.
the flickr page got 50,000 views in one day last week. theFiXFiXFiX seems to be on a roll thanks to bikesnobnyc.blogspot.
I always get a ton of views when he posts one of my photos.
I also got an email from Australia from some dude who wants to use some of my photos for a bicycle film festival. I'll post when it happens.
Need sleep. need to edit photos. need to clean.
Going out 3 nights in a row is something I can officially is in my past.
Is 27 really that old. I suppose in 9 days it will be.
10 year highschool reunion coming up in May. Are you fucking kidding me?
eh. I guess it happens to everybody.
So Thursday Ben and I go out down here in Hermosa. Along with some chick he used to date in college who has since joined the leagues of wannabe actresses here in Hollywood.
A few bars, more than a few drinks, and I'm serenaded to the sounds copulation on my couch till 4:30 in the morning.
This girl really had some chops. serious chops. Doing it for a living chops.
Who am I to judge?
yea... I'm jealous.
Seriously I haven't had a proper make out session in months.
I blame it on keeping myself busy with all my hobbies. well new hobbies.
women used to be a hobby, but I suppose I may have moved past that stage of life.
Who am I kidding...I've just gotten lazy in my old age.
Friday we had another good friend come up from Huntington beach for a visit to the Hermosa farmer's market and a nice bike ride on the beach. I bought a finger puppet at the farmers market. A sad little fox I name Worried Walter. He becomes my new best friend.
The previously mentioned wild animal also attended and just made me sad. Its hard when someone you care about doesn't feel the same but then expects a friendship to be completely normal.
Ben saw her nipple. serves her right for wearing a low dress on a bike ride.
I'm now jealous of Ben twice in 12 hours.
That night we went out in Santa Monica with one of Ben's friends from Chicago. Good kid.
Serious girlfriend. Nice apartment. Cab ride to the bars. Drinks. Wondering.
Not impressed with the Santa Monica scene. too sterile and generic I think.
and not enough attractive women for me to not talk to.
Saturday morning I get my ass kicked at tennis and the we head to a sweet pool party in Burbank thanks to my good friend Em.
Always a good time, but today even more because of the Washoo's tournament we enter.
basically there's a small box with a coffee can in the middle. you throw washers at it. score points. face-off.
18 teams. we got 5th place! our prize was an amazing bag of coffee which I stored in the front pooch of my swim trunks for the rest of the night.
We headed to Hollywood that night to go out with our friend Olsen from highschool.
4 bars. saw some extremely attractive hollywood whores, a couple D-list celebs, and got free cigarettes from Camel reps while listening to the Piano man.
mmm Turkish Gold, so smooth.
My clothes smelled of smoke for the first time since college.
Sunday we faked surfing in Huntington beach with a friend of Ben's who lives in Hermosa.
He offered to get me in to the Playboy mansion halloween party.... for a cool $1000.
are you serious? for one night? just to not talk to extremely attractive playboy whores?
i mean we all love women in body paint but I think i'll take my $1000 and buy a new lens and a tripod or something.
speaking of which. I bought my new camera! a Canon 7D. I'm still working on it. need the new lens as I only have a 50mm prime.
so far it takes good photos. and I'm much more impressive when pretending to be a photographer.
the flickr page got 50,000 views in one day last week. theFiXFiXFiX seems to be on a roll thanks to bikesnobnyc.blogspot.
I always get a ton of views when he posts one of my photos.
I also got an email from Australia from some dude who wants to use some of my photos for a bicycle film festival. I'll post when it happens.
Need sleep. need to edit photos. need to clean.

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