disappointed in disappointment
I've been sort of blah lately. I thought it was me.
Then I started thinking about it, and realized that I'm actually blah because of the people in my life disappointing me.
So I've got to change my policy. I can no longer expect anything from anyone.
I mean, yes, of course there are a select few I love and care about who do not disappoint me.
and I have good friends.
It's more the acquaintances from everyday life that are the problem.
It's a selfish world out there I suppose. Especially with people our age. Cutthroat. Everyone thinking only of themselves.
A lot of models are flaky assholes. A lot of people talk a lot of talk but follow up with no action.
People need to follow words with actions, motivation with results.
Like me.
I'm a machine.
like man's best friend

This is Louie
He's a dog.
I've been sort of blah lately. I thought it was me.
Then I started thinking about it, and realized that I'm actually blah because of the people in my life disappointing me.
So I've got to change my policy. I can no longer expect anything from anyone.
I mean, yes, of course there are a select few I love and care about who do not disappoint me.
and I have good friends.
It's more the acquaintances from everyday life that are the problem.
It's a selfish world out there I suppose. Especially with people our age. Cutthroat. Everyone thinking only of themselves.
A lot of models are flaky assholes. A lot of people talk a lot of talk but follow up with no action.
People need to follow words with actions, motivation with results.
Like me.
I'm a machine.
like man's best friend

This is Louie
He's a dog.
sometimes i think the same thing but then doublethink that maybe i only think that because i am me and can only see my own perspective. however, geo and i have both been talking about how completely tunnelvisioned other people tend to be, especially while driving or in public places. consideration for other people has been found to be generally lacking.
on a lighter note, i met some people that live in sahn dee-ah-go so i may be making another trip out to california. have you checked out velocult in SD, even on the internet? if not, google it.
nevermind, i see you have.
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